Responsibility, mutual respect and trust are important cornerstones of our corporate culture.

For over 115 years, we have been convinced that ethical, social and ecological behavior and strict compliance with laws and regulations are prerequisites for the successful continued existence and healthy growth of our group of companies. That is why we always act as a responsible and fair business partner and employer while maintaining the integrity of the honorable businessman. Our primary goal is to avoid risks that could jeopardize the trust of customers, suppliers, business partners and the public in the FRÄNKISCHE Group. This is ensured by a comprehensive control and risk management system and Group-wide governance regulations that apply to all employees of the FRÄNKISCHE Group.

Whistleblower system

Addressing grievances

In order to protect our good reputation and ensure the success of our company in future, we depend on your support. Are you aware of irregular behavior, serious irregularities, or risks? We can only act if we learn about them. With our digital whistleblower system, we provide you with a secure communication platform for submitting anonymous reports to protect your identity as a whistleblower.

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The whistleblower system offers employees and business partners around the world the opportunity to submit information on specific or possible violations of laws and regulations within the FRÄNKISCHE Group. In this way, we can recognize and address risks for the FRÄNKISCHE Group at an early stage and take appropriate remedial action if necessary.

Tanja Dreyer Vice President Group Legal & Compliance
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The adherence to our values as well as international laws is of utmost significance to us. This is exactly how the FRÄNKISCHE Group has managed to remain a successful family-owned enterprise for 115 years. Please help us to ensure this also in the future.

Julius Kirchner Owner & CEO FRÄNKISCHE Group
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Information can be submitted via the following communication channels

Report a note via our digital whistleblower system.

+49 9525 88-8556

(Please use this e-mail address exclusively for reporting information).

Compliance confidential

Hellinger Str. 1
97486 Königsberg/Germany


The FRÄNKISCHE Group's internal reporting centers are available to employees as well as, for example, customers, business partners or other persons who wish to report violations in connection with the FRÄNKISCHE Group.

Your report will help to protect the good reputation of the FRÄNKISCHE Group and ensure the success of the company in the future. Please rest assured that we are only interested in the case you have reported. The aim is to uncover irregularities and avert damage.

Your information will be treated strictly confidential. If you still have concerns about disclosing your name, you can do so via our digital whistleblower system. The IT system used for this (BKMS) is certified and technically ensures the anonymity of whistleblowers at all times.